Meet the manager

Auscap Asset Management (Auscap) is a value based equities manager founded in 2012. Auscap manages the Auscap Long Short Australian Equities Fund and the Auscap Ex-20 Australian Equities Fund. The investment team has over 50 years of combined experience in the financial services industry from leading investment managers and global investment banks. The investment team are significantly co-invested in the Auscap funds.

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Mistaking Value Investing For Buying Low PE Stocks

May 2019 Newsletter | In this newsletter we explain our approach to value, our relative confidence in ensuring that we are buying at a reasonable discount to fair value when we invest and why the Auscap Fund portfolio typically ends up with a lower ... Read more

A Long Term Approach To Investment

April 2019 Newsletter | As the father of value investing, Benjamin Graham, stated “in the short run, the market is a voting machine but in the long run, it is a weighing machine”. And the thing being weighed in the long run is earnings. Taking a long ... Read more

The Residential Construction Contraction Conundrum

March 2019 Newsletter | Can Australia handle a contraction in residential construction? This is the question perplexing many market commentators. There is an adjustment occurring in the residential property market. In this newsletter we examine the ... Read more

A Value Investor’s Perspective On Digital Disruption

February 2019 Newsletter | “Digital disruption” has been a catch-cry for new technology companies that are challenging established and traditional business models. Understanding broadly how disruption works, what opportunities there are to take ... Read more

Is There Value In Value Investing

January 2019 Newsletter | We believe that buying companies for less than they are worth is the best approach to long term value creation. This typically occurs when the market is negatively predisposed, focused on short term issues that are likely to ... Read more

Market Observations In Turbulent Times

December 2018 Newsletter | A cocktail of events has led to a reasonably large liquidation of positions in the Australian market. The selling has been unusually indiscriminate. Expensive stocks have been sold down. But so have shares in companies we ... Read more

Portfolio Update & Opportunities From Volatility

November 2018 Newsletter | In this newsletter we discuss the performance of the portfolio over the last three months. In our experience, negative markets tend to drag down most stock prices, in the short term, somewhat irrespective of the underlying ... Read more

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