
Analysing FY16 Fund Returns

September 2016 Newsletter | In this edition we analyse the returns delivered by the Fund in FY16 in terms of single stock and sector contributions. ... Read more

Investing with earplugs: the struggle to avoid the noise

August 2016 | We have found that sharing a consensus opinion on the merits of an investment with the majority of the market is rarely a good way to generate strong returns. In fact, if the opinion is sufficiently consensus and positive, it normally ... Read more

Acting conservatively vs acting conventionally – is there a difference?

July 2016 Newsletter | The Fund had a good financial year in 2015-16, finishing up 20.13% net of fees. This compares favourably with the All Ordinaries Accumulation Index which returned 1.98% and had a closely fought battle with the RBA cash rate ... Read more

Zenith Product Rating: Recommended

The Auscap Long Short Australian Equities Fund has been assessed by Zenith Investment Partners and been given a 'Recommended' rating. The full report can be accessed here. Auscap Zenith Product Assessment July 2016 ... Read more

Dealing with imperfect information

June 2016 Newsletter | Investing in the stockmarket must be the perfectionist’s worst nightmare. There is often no clear right or wrong investment. There is never a value equation that can actually be solved. No matter what some might suggest, there ... Read more

When less is more: investing with patience and conviction

May 2016 Newsletter | Attentive readers will have noticed in recent months the increasing level of cash being held in the fund. In fact, cash levels have recently been close to levels not seen since the fund’s inception. This is a function of a ... Read more

The great debate: dividends vs investment

April 2016 Newsletter | In the boardrooms of corporate Australia and across the national press there has been a great debate unfolding. The suggestion is that payout ratios, or the amount of corporate income that is paid to shareholders in the form ... Read more