Is Australia A Lead Indicator For A Global Recovery?

February 2021 Newsletter | Australia has had remarkable success in controlling the impact of COVID-19. New cases peaked in August 2020, leading to most major lockdown restrictions being lifted by the end of 2020. Australia's economic recovery has ... Read more

The Cost Of Carrying Cash

January 2021 Newsletter | Many investors realise that there is a cost of carrying cash. It is the opportunity cost associated with returns foregone if the cash were invested elsewhere. However cash also provides optionality, such as when a market ... Read more

A Portfolio of Performers, Laggards and Opportunities

December 2020 Newsletter | It has been an extraordinary year. Despite the sell-off in February and March, the Auscap Long Short Australian Equities Fund (Fund) was up 5.3% for the calendar year as of 30 November 2020. This compares to the All ... Read more

Can Confidence Create The Conditions For Growth

November 2020 Newsletter | Australia’s improving domestic management of the COVID-19 pandemic, an end to the lockdowns in Victoria and Melbourne in particular, vaccine progress, fiscal stimulus and political developments in the United States over the ... Read more

Budget Winners Are Grinners

October 2020 Newsletter | In April 2019, Josh Frydenberg delivered his first Budget as Treasurer. After more than a decade of deficits, Australia was finally on track for a long-awaited return to surplus, with surpluses forecast for the next decade. ... Read more

Are Aussies Splashing Or Stashing Their Cash?

September 2020 Newsletter | The last six months have been a uniquely challenging period, with the COVID-19 disruption being significant enough to bring Australia’s 29 year recession-free streak to an end. Despite this, one notable bright spot has ... Read more

A Time For Optimism

August 2020 Newsletter | The COVID-19 pandemic has provided many companies with complex problems to solve, created unparalleled levels of uncertainty in financial markets and made forecasting or interpreting financial results difficult to say the ... Read more