Fund outline

Fund outline

Fund Outline

Auscap Asset Management is focused on generating strong absolute returns for our investors. The key features of the Auscap Fund are detailed below.

Fund Auscap Long Short Australian Equities Fund
Fund Type Australian registered managed investment scheme
Investment Manager &
Responsible Entity
Auscap Asset Management Limited
ACN 158 929 143 AFSL 428014 ARSN 615 542 213
Investment Objective To generate strong absolute returns in excess of the benchmark with little correlation to equity markets
Fund Holdings 25 – 45 investments
Investment Time Horizon 5 years+
Minimum Investment $100,000 [1]
Minimum Additional Investment $50,000 [1]
Commencement Date December 2012
Management Fee 1.5% of FUM (exclusive of GST)
Performance Fee 15% of outperformance over RBA Cash Rate (exclusive of GST) [2]
Bid/Ask Spread 0.2%/0.2%
Application/Exit Fee Nil
Applications Monthly
Redemptions Monthly [3]
Valuations Monthly
Distributions Annually

[1] Auscap Asset Management reserves the right to accept lower amounts at its discretion.

[2] Performance Fee is calculated as 15% of the total gross return less expenses and management fees in excess of the Reserve Bank of Australia Cash Rate over the performance period, payable semi-annually for the Series Class and monthly for the Platform Class. The Performance Fee is subject to a high water mark with respect to previous performance.

[3] For redemptions, the Responsible Entity must be given one month’s notice.

Applications for the Auscap Fund can be made by the application form in the Product Disclosure Statement, a copy of which is available on this website or by contacting Auscap at or on +61 2 8378 0800.